poems / cerddi

The View From Here

I see mountains so distant that I may not climb

Without your assistance and faith in this time,

I see trees windswept but willing to bend for a breeze

And recover for their forest and mend now at ease,

I see fields so divided by fences and hedges

Who find ways to touch underground and on ledges,

I see ivy on walls, clinging for comfort,

Expanding so gradual to break through so much tougher.

I've heard birds keep on chirping so sweet and divine

And seen nature unphased by a test it assigned.

I may not be able to see past this view

But I've found some things that have let me push through,

As long as the mountain lets us back down to the ground

We'll get to see each other and share the things we found.



Cynnwrf aniogel yn annog anadl fer,

Cerdded brysiog i osgoi brathiad byw yr oerni,

Strydoedd budron

Heddiw'n ddim ond olion.

Olion o gwsg, diffyg cwsg,

Olion corneli'n creu cartrefi carpiog, cardfwrdd -

Dinas prysur,

Gorweddai'n gymuned digysur.

Llais yn malurio:

'Spare any change?'

Datgelodd gyflwr meddwol, myglyd;


Gosgryniad euog, yn tarddu o'r tostur

pan lifa pob senario bosib.

Lle eith fy mhunt?

Does dim olion o le ddoth hi gynt.

Gwario'n ddoeth yn troi'n ddi-ystyr -

Onid haeddai bawb gael un ennyd o bleser?

Bywyd byr,

Coffi, neu gyffur?

Tystiolaeth o dlodi, a chyfoeth brwnt

yn bodoli o fewn tafliad carreg.

Dan boblogaeth ddwys

Fe gymharwn y cardotyn i'r cerflun clwys.

Cyflawni mynegiant o ryddid

A gadael olion mewn fflagiau amryliw,

Creu hanes,

Ond parhau i rai mae'r gormes.

Ymysg llygredd dwl mae llygedyn o obaith

gyda ymgynnull torf am funud i feddwl,

A chofio am golled ingol;

Yma y ceir calonnau'n curo'n unol.


Tired of City

I get over-inspired, tired of city and slowed down by withered rivers in country.

April 2019


Paned o goffi 'di mynd yn oer,

Anghofio amdani, pan ddoth yr hen oed,

Yr un hen sianel sy'n cadw cwmpeini

A chlebran cefndirol 'run pryd yn dy ddrysu.

Llond dy ben o bersonoliaeth broliol

Cymeriad mawreddog sy'n diflannu'n raddol.

Ddoe'n gymharol, heddiw'n bresennol,

Ond parhau mae olion atgofion y gorffennol.

Baich ar adegau, ond Nain yn oesol.

Y pethau na'i gofio 'di'r Wethers Orignal,

Y mynd am dro, a'r holl ddeud drefn;

Onibai amdanat, 'sa gen neb asgwrn cefn.

Rhan bach o dy fywyd 'dwi 'di cyfarfod

Ond fy mywyd oll rwyt ti yn ei 'nabod.

Peth mwy na cof ydi cariad at fam

Sdim enw ar hwnnw, dim ots be di'th s'nam.

Ar ymweliad sydyn, ni sylweddolwn

dy fod ddim cweit fel oeddet erstalwm.

Edrychiad smart, ifanc yn gorfforol,

Nid yw dirywiad meddwl yn weledol.

Does dim modd i g'nesu'r coffi

Heb waethygu ansawdd, neu ei aildollti.

Dros ddigon o baneidiau cawsom stafell yn chwerthin

Sgyrsiau di-bwrpas, a dim byd yn ein herbyn.

Er treuliai'r dyddiau yn eistedd mewn cartre'

Mi safai'r doethineb mewn olion yn rhywle'

Wedi'i basio ymlaen i genhedlaeth iau

Lle mae'r drysau ar agor, a byth ar gau. 


Other Side of This

Back to where we used to be, in silence and simplicity, where we all know it slipped out of our reach...

We ran away to secret paths

and locked the doors between to fast

to realise it was all beneath our feet.

We can, we can and will pull through

if all is done that we can do

to save us from ourselves,

Just when it seemed like we can't see

A road turns on it's lights for me,

Showing us the other side of this.

It might take time to reappear,

remember how we all got here

before we split like dandelion seeds,

And though the wind caught us too soon,

like scattered, tiny parachutes;

We landed and we blossomed to defeat.


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